Give now to provide FREEDOM from addiction at the Mission.

When men and women are trapped in addiction, they often feel worthless – like they don’t matter. 

Your support will give our neighbors who are battling addiction and other hardships love and care at the Mission, so they know they are worth fighting for.

Your gift today will provide:

  • A safe, substance-free environment to heal from addiction  

  • Faith-based guidance to address the root of destructive patterns 

  • Classes & meetings to support people in their recovery 

  • Love, dignity & respect – to show our guests they matter

Thank you for being a champion for freedom! Give now to help more people in our community break free from addiction.

Choose your gift

to support and care for people in our recovery program
to support and care for people in our recovery program
to support and care for people in our recovery program
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A copy of the Buffalo City Mission's most recently filed financial report is available on the Charities Registry on the New York State Attorney General's website ( or, upon request, by contacting the New York State Attorney General, Charities Bureau, 28 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10005, or the Buffalo City Mission at 100 E. Tupper Street, Buffalo, NY 14203. You may also obtain information on charitable organizations from the New York State Office of the Attorney General at or (212) 416-8401.

Upon request, further description of the programs and activities supported by your contribution can be obtained from Buffalo City Mission.

Buffalo City Mission is a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit corporation that relies heavily on private, tax-deductible donations to feed, shelter and care for our community's poor, hungry and homeless people.

No third parties will have access to your information.